April School Holiday Programmes!!
Do your netballers want a bit more practise time before the season starts in Term 2?? Mid Canterbury Netball are offering a Holiday Programme for Year 5&6 and Year 7&8! These sessions are not speciallised coaching sessions, they are aimed at fundementals and skill development.
Year 5&6 Holiday Programme:
Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th April
10.00am - 12.00pm at the EA Networks Centre
$50 per child for all three days
Click Here to Register (Spaces limited)
Year 7&8 Holiday Programme: Aimed at those new to 7aside netball
Monday 14th, Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th April
1.00pm - 3.00pm at the EA Networks Centre
$50 per child for all three days
Click here to Register (Spaces limited)